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Do you want to improve employee engagement and retention and business performance?

Offering team building activities to your employees is an effective way to improve relationships between colleagues and gain leadership qualities.


Our corporate team building activities are designed to engage your team and create a sense of community within your company.

The Interactive Dynamics Workshop at Work includes ...

Know yourself better. Know your colleagues better. Communicate better to enhance team performance. This is what our IDW program is all about! We all know successful teams are naturally comprised of a variety of people working towards a common goal. People working as a group, however, can each have different communication styles and communication needs.


Can team success really be achieved without team members understanding and acknowledging each other fully?


We offer private one-day workshops to help you optimize your work performance while promoting synergy within your team.

Know yourself better, thanks to the IDW Report

  • Each participant receives a written, personalized IDW Report

  • Learn about your motivational needs and how they impact your behaviour

  • Discover your natural “communication style”

  • Identify your own leadership style

  • Gain awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses

Understand your colleagues better to achieve better communication

  • Learn about the characteristics that define others

  • Discover your colleagues’ work dynamics

  • See how your colleagues perceive your own dynamic

  • Assess the impact of your behavior on others’ behavior

  • Learn to quickly recognize the dynamics of people around you

Interactive activities to enhance teamwork

  • Team members will be grouped by colour

  • Teambuilding exercises to provide valuable insights

  • Dynamic briefing geared to build team synergy

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